America Still Isn’t Ready for a Female President
Another year, another heartbreaking loss. Tasha Gemini, the 72nd female candidate for president, just became the 72nd female candidate for president to lose the White House. Gemini joins a long list of women unable to clinch the presidency after a hard fought campaign. Experts believe the downfall of her campaign came after her claim that…
Opinion: 8 Days In a Week Too Many
Hear me out. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. The way we’ve grown up, the way things should be. The way things were before the UN trespassed upon the Lord. I’ll never forget the day. Breakfast, two weeks ago: I began to spread marmite across my bagel as the TV blared, “Breaking News; The…
Why I Wouldn’t Let My Kid Date a Robot and You Shouldn’t Either
Look, I consider myself pretty open-minded. I voted for the Android Rights Act (ARA) of 2076. I supported the Supreme Court’s decision in Robotica V. Massachusetts. I even attended the “Humans & Hydraulics Together,” rally last spring. But when my 16-year-old daughter came home last week and announced she was dating a chipbrain from her…
Guest ViewPoint
Guest Viewpoint: Brett Kavanaugh On White Claw
Look, I’m a beer guy; I like beer. It’s always been my beverage of choice. Tailgates, the big game, a much-needed refreshment after working out with the guys — I like beer. At least that’s what I thought. See, I was at this wild rager of a party last week. The theme of the night…