Recently, a good friend of mine came to me with an important inquiry. He was interested in understanding how one might go about having sex. Sadly, I could not provide him with an answer then, but his question got me thinking. How would one do this? That night I lay restless, the question eating at my mind. Thousands upon thousands of possibilities circled in unending torment. No matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t seem to find any answers. It just didn’t make any sense. After a sleepless night, I was determined to find an answer. About a week’s worth of intense study later and I’ve finally begun to grasp what this whole sex thing is about. To whomever reads this, know I did this for you. You’re welcome, no need to thank. So, the first thing you’re gonna need in order to have sex is actually kinda a lot of things actually. One of those things is so incredibly big and mind-bending that it is hard to comprehend, but some of the other things aren’t that big so don’t worry it’s not all terrible. The things … well let’s just say I think you’re gonna want to get them. Sooner rather than later too because I assume all of you want to have sex sooner rather than later. Once you have all the things that you need I think you can start to go to the next step which will help you in progressing to eventually having sex. Hmmm … so the next step is that you’re gonna need … well you’re gonna need to do something like apply all the things you just got in the previous step. It will be helpful if you have someone else to do this with, and by that I mean the whole sex thing, but I’m not sure if another person is necessary honestly. Hopefully this person that you might have will help you out when it comes to this step. Also, make sure you’re eating well. Not necessarily eating the best possible things (like the healthiest things) if you don’t want to but it should definitely be things that are at least somewhat healthy. The sources I read talked a lot about food. Apparently eating well will help you live longer, be happier, and you guessed it, have sex. I tried out eating well and it worked pretty well. I just ate good things and it seemed to work. Another thing you could try that I read is trying to be around things that you know … help you have sex. Being around enough of these things should be a big help in the long run on your journey. Once you apply all the things I talked about it should help you, or make you able to have sex. Don’t be discouraged if you fail at first. I have tried to have sex a handful of times and only got it to work a few times I think. I’m pretty sure I got it to work but I’m not one hundred percent certain. Anyways, I may or may not make a part two to this tutorial depending on whether or not I choose to write one so you could either choose to look forward to that or not but you might be disappointed if you do.